"American leadership in
EDM technology"



Services Provided by Hausermann


Service EDM Equipment

Service Abrader Equipment

Upgrade & Retrofit EDMs

Full Service Tool Room
                 Electrodes (CNC milled)
                 Electrodes (Abraded)
                 CNC Machining Centers
                 CMM Inspection

EDMing: Hausermann has a bank of EDMs available for contract EDMing.  10 CNC/EDMs, having a total peak current of over 4,400 amps, makes Hausermann the choice for high metal removal and fast turn around.  Hausermann - with over 40 years of experience in EDMing - is the first choice for EDMing.

Abrading: Hausermann (the inventor of abrading) knows abrading like no one else.  Hausermann has 3 of its own abraders for abrading electrodes.  If you have large size pieces or high volume, detailed electrode needs - abrading is your answer.

Tooling: Hausermann is a full service tool company established in 1955.  With over 40 years of experience in tooling, Hausermann is a recognized leader.  Hausermann specializes in Forge Dies, Permanent Molds, High Speed Milling, and EDMing.

Equipment Servicing:  Hausermann's service engineers can service select EDM and Abrading equipment.

For quotes for tooling contact Marty Hausermann.
For quotes for electrodes contact Marty Hausermann.
For service requests contact Marty Hausermann
For information on retrofits contact Bob Tincu
For information on equipment contact Bob Tincu





Upgrade/Retrofit EDM's

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