"Sometimes the best  machine is the one already on your floor"

"American leadership in
EDM technology"

Upgrade EDMs to CNC/EDM

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Obsolete C-frame EDM stripped down and sand blasted with primer paint coat applied.

X-Y table removed and ball screws removed and reconditioning.





Upgrade/Retrofit EDM's

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Hausermann Die & Machine Company

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Rapid Prototyping


Reconditioned X-Y table reinstalled and brackets for DC servos added.

Head reconditioned with new way bearings and ball screw replacing hydraulic cylinder.

DC servo drives mounted to all axes (Z-axis shown).

New operator monitor pendent ready for population and mounting.

New electrical panel containing power supply (right side) and CNC control (left side).  Panel is mounted on rear of machine.

Front view of completed retrofit showing new oversized tank, X-Y DC servos, and mounted operator monitor panel.

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